Sunday, December 11, 2005

Absolutely nothing happened today. Really. Nothing. I mean, I am merely driven to blog because none of YOU people have updated yours. And I just finished a seminar paper. And no force on God's green earth short of SUBSTANTIAL monetary compensation will get me to look at my other two papers before tomorrow. So take that. I'd rather shred cheese, you know?

huh. maybe I should see this as a window of opportunity to totally revolutionize the art of blog writing by posting thoughts that occur to me on every average day and therefore are not noteable. Or should I say, blogable? (oh yes, I went there...) Hmm...or maybe it's an excuse to make the substance of a normal blog only seem revolutionary. Anyway. Here's a list of stuff that runs through my head lately on a normal day, in roughly chronological order:

not now.
stop it.
shut up.
no really, shut up.
oh, fine.
crap, it's cold out here.
I love hot showers.
What's this piece of hair doing?
I really will get decaf this time. I will. You watch me.
Not the christmas music again.
Feliz Navidad....Feliz Navidad...
bitch, please. (haha...because Katherine is my fellow starbucks junkie friend...)
Feliz Navidad...Feliz Navidad...
I wish I had purple book post-it tabs.
Caffine is bad for you.
I want chocolate.
I'm hungry.
Feliz Navidad...Feliz Navidad
I'll only watch tv until I'm done my lunch.
I want chocolate.
who's online?
has anyone updated their blog?
this hill really isn't so bad.
maybe I'll run faster.
My legs are going to FALL OFF. NOW.
no, NOW.
Feliz navidad...
maybe if I wear a different outfit, they won't notice that I'm the same person that comes here every night.
Caffine is bad for you.
Caffine is bad for you.
Feliz Navidad...

aaaaand repeat.

hmm...and I used to always get the theme song from The Price is Right stuck in my head.

Wonder which one is worse.


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