Saturday, December 17, 2005

Lizzie: (reading out loud from our family's not-so-annual christmas letter) "Katherine graduated with honors from Berkeley in May and received a fellowship at UCLA where she is pursuing her doctorate in English. Lizzie is a sophomore at Cal State Long Beach studying Japanese. She has a job in "facilities" there and gets to drive the golf cart around campus. She's 20 minutes from Disneyland and is actually having fun without flunking out!"
Me: hmm.
Lizzie: (laughing) Oh, GREAT, Mom...GREAT. (mimic-y voice) "Katherine graduated from Berkeley. She's got a fellowship." And I have NEVER called my job "facilities." It's "facilities MANAGEMENT." And you forgot to put in here how I pick up TRASH. And I like the "actually having fun without flunking out part."
Me: Don't worry, Lizzie. Most people in our family will probably just think that I'm off with a ring and some hobbits.
Both: :::sigh:::

And then we talked about Family Guy and Lizzie did her (remarkably good) Stewie impression.

Because that's what the holidays are all about.


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