Friday, April 17, 2009

1. April 6th, 2009. Or, The Day Kat Went To School Unintentionally Dressed Like a Pirate.

So, not this past Monday, but the one before it, I had had a tough weekend. Hadn't been sleeping much. Working on an Emerson paper. I ended up liking it, but it was a tough couple of days. Anyway. It's Monday morning, I'm riding the bus to a 10am lecture. Everyone on the bus is very quiet, and calm. That Monday morning stoicism that we all make use of. I, as always, have my iPod on-- probably some Fujiya & Miyagi (we'll get to that later.) I look down. I'm wearing, for starters, my red slouchy boots. And then there's my khaki skirt. So far, so good. Nothing amiss there. But then...I look at my new white blouse, and it's the kind with a ruffled bib. You know, for a little extra class. And, reaching my hand to my ear, I remember that I slipped on my new gold hoop earrings before heading out the door. With my cute tailored little black jacket that has big gold grommets in place of buttons. That's when it hit me. OH GOD I AM DRESSED LIKE A PIRATE. I AM DRESSED LIKE A PIRATE, RIDING THE BIG BLUE BUS TO SCHOOL. RIDING THE BUS LIKE A PIRATE. OH GOD. And I cannot stop laughing. There's a busful of quiet, well-mannered people-- and me. Shoulders shaking with laughter because I am trying so hard to be quiet.

I get to school, sidle into the TA row in lecture, and my two friends ask, "How's it going?" "I'm dressed like a pirate," I whisper, "and I don't know what to do." PEELS of laughter. And then, my TA friend Daniel, with advice that I will never forget, and that I am sure I will remember every time I catch myself in a circumstance that smacks a little too readily of the ridiculous:

"You just have to own it."

And I did. Oh, I did.

2. Fujiya & Miyagi, you guys are such jerks. Don't even get me started. I'm not even going to address the fact that you are British and not, in fact, Japanese, or bring up that there are three of you, not two. Those critiques are pretty tired. The problem is-- well, the first problem is that "Collarbone" is such an awesome mother-of-a-song that it prevented my interest in nearly all other music for a week straight. The second, and, I would argue, far more serious problem is that "Ankle Injuries" is more awesome still. Do you see where I'm going with this, Fujiya & Miyagi? I'm sure you do. "Ankle Injuries," after all was the song I decided to feature on my Wednesday morning running playlist. (Yeah, get over it. "Ironic," I know.) Anyway. Said song sent me bookin' down the road on Wednesday morning, probably a little too fast. Plus I had to listen to it two or three times in a row. Which, of course, led to my limping home, having to see a doctor, and having said doctor schedule an MRI. I'm sure you can see, Fujiya & Miyagi, how this is all your fault. Stop being so awesome, or I'm sending you my medical bills.

And the rest of you, go download Transparent Things. Or Knickerbocker.

I'm going to go own my knee brace...


Blogger Erik said...

Awww, I wish I had a picture of Pirate Kat. It could go right beside Mama Kat and her cornbread.

7:34 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

good times, dude. good times.

And what ever did happen to that picture...?

12:07 AM  
Blogger NP said...

Gosh, I forgot about that tetris night! So fun! Thanks for the memory.

...and the pirate story, Kat, made my day.

4:05 PM  
Blogger candice said...


I was reading your story and losing all my juice through my nose. So then Patrick had to be nosy and read it too.

And he says Ahoy too (=

2:31 PM  
Anonymous Dan said...

What was your Emerson essay about?

4:40 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

My Emerson essay was about the tension between biological and aesthetic theories of race in English Traits (written in 1854, a few years after the fugitive slave law and during a time when Emerson is trying to figure out if he can be a political thinker or not. I don't think it ended well...)

10:10 PM  

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