Sunday, July 02, 2006

Again, it's been a while. Kat, are you cheating on us here at the blog? With some trampy handwritten journal or something? You said you'd always love us, Kat...

Okay, no. I've just been busy. Here's the summary: I went to Hawaii. Then I came back and started summer school.

Summer school is hard. Not in the way it used to be. The "Fate, why are you persecuting me?" type of way. I'm not particularly piqued anymore that, while the sun is shining and my regular coursework is over, I still need to be sitting in a classroom working on requirements that have practically nothing to do with my major. Sure, I'm taking an instensive Russian class. And, by all acounts, that should at least nominally have very little to do with getting a PhD in English. But I still like it, think its interesting, and think its going to be really badass when I learn enough to be able to chew people out in Russian. I've already introduced BJ to one of Russia's finest colloquialisms, apparently (according to my Russian teacher) used all the time by Russian women when they get into arguments with their better halves: Ya Skazala! (I have spoken!!) Buwahaha... but yes. It *is* just a little hard because the class takes up 8-10 hours of my day. Leaving very little time to work on that Sherlock Holmes paper that I still have to do. And to read for my Part Ones (ridiculously scary oral exams.) And to, you know, make sure to eat, steal time to work out, and have a personal life... (p.s. Gym, I miss you. I'll call you or something, I promise.)

But, in other news...Hawaii really WAS great. And I'm glad I went, despite the guilt that I now have to deal with because I did not spend that week and a half doing work. And, just because the word has started to get around...those rumors are true about what happened in Hawaii. (No, not the one about me having too many Blue Hawaiins and ending up dancing on tables in a grass skirt to the beat of my own ukelele music.) BJ and I got engaged! If you would have told me, nine years ago during my freshman year in high school, that I was going to end up with that tall red-headed sophmore who I saw for the first time wearing a neon-orange fleece jacket and huge orange ski goggles as he messed around with some buddies in the band room, I probably wouldn't have believed you.

But now, I wouldn't have it any other way...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so freakin excited!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aaahhh!! even i'm all giddy about it :) i'm so happy for you!!

9:59 PM  

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