Tuesday, December 13, 2005


For Josie: You know your life is cool when you're totally hot and great and successful and have the greatest bf and bff and everything.

For Becca: I have been procrastinating all day. But I made a nice graph. And there's prospects of free food tomorrow, if I can just make it until then.

Other Stuff:
Why my day has been really good so far:
1. Got 2 1/2 full hours of work done before 11am.
2. Ran 3 miles before 12.
3. Had the biggest orange I've ever seen for lunch. Like, big as your head. If you're...a newborn. And have a small head.
4. Did laundry and came out with an even number of socks!
5. got to work on Austen paper! (okay, so really I just threw that one in there to buck myself up.)
6. Talked to Kay on the phone!!

Conversation with my Mom from earlier:
Mom: So did you guys give out the cookies you made?
Me: Oh yeah! People really seemed to like them. But they also seemed a little surprised and confused when we showed up to drop them off...
Mom: Well that's because they're used to dealing with academics. Regular grad students probably don't have enough time to do things like that, they're probably too bogged down in their books. Just wait until you get a real job, people in the real world know it's Christmas time.
Me: What? I...I have a real job!! I *totally* live in the real world!!! What are you TALKING about?
Mom: Oh, honey...


Blogger Steph said...

Hooo-ah! I made an appearance on your blog. Of course, the last thing I should be doing right now is reading blogs... (In the perfect world I would be out studying at some cafe with you)

muuuah! miss you.


10:41 PM  
Blogger candice said...

An orange? FOR LUNCH?!

Miss Kat... you can't just move to LA and become an anorexic chick. It's so cliche.

10:44 AM  
Blogger Kat said...

nono...let me rephrase: an orange as PART of my lunch. The main course was a pita, stuffed with mozarella cheese and some left-over lasagna sauce. Like a homemade hotpocket.
haha, so you see...I *actually* moved to LA to become a gard student that does nothing but sit on her butt and eat. :::sigh::: a whole different cliche...

11:09 AM  

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