Friday, December 02, 2005

Ha! NOW I remember what I was going to blog about yesterday...

So I was walking to the English building yesterday afternoon (like I do,) and I noticed that on one of the lawns a whole bunch of undergrady types wearing blue shirts were building some sort of...pile. And there was a stage set up kind of next to it. And I thought "hmm."

And not like I'm *totally* invested in the spirit rivalry...thing...down here but...damn. In the three minutes it took me to completely traverse this lawn (because it really isn't very big) I thought "oh, this must be their bonfire." And then, looking at the pile of wooden crates: "You call THAT a bonfire pit?! ppsssssht!" Various snickering ensued. Because you see, at Berkeley (which must be said with a "summers in the Hamptons" accent, and a snobbish dismissive wave of the hand..) we built a big effing fire IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GREEK THEATRE. Which seats upwards of 10,000 people. And this fire is characteristically started when a short pyrotechnics display ignites a MOUNTAIN of dry lumber, usually including an effigy of the Stanford Tree, or at the very least a big red S. And then these 10,000 people stand around and chant at each other and yell and revel in more than a century of Cal Football tradition that, all in all, catapults them into a frenzy that lasts until they kick ass the next day.

And you just can't do that on a lawn.

Go bears!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:08 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...


Well, here we have a bonfire and Jimmy Eat World performed at it. =)

Fight on. But only against the Bruins. Otherwise, Go Bears.

10:20 PM  
Blogger NP said...


I love JEW, but why are they at a bonfire? Sooooo LA. Bleh.

I'd MUCH rather have Chancellor Birgee and his rock-star wife Mary Katherine leading a "Go Bears" chear, an old alum coaxing 10,000+ people to yell "Wiki-Te-Waka-Te-RAAAAW", Kate teaching the freshman the Axe cheer, and the beautiful sound of all those people singing Rooooll Ooooon Yoooou Beaaaars in three part harmony.

NO ONE does a bonfire like Cal. ;-)

2:25 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

On a completely different note, thank you a billion for the congradulations a billion.

Lauren's Dan

3:29 PM  

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