Monday, October 10, 2005

So I was listening to Mozart's Requiem, and trying to read a paper on Henry James and the art novel...and I, it's been a while since I've blogged! (Innnteresting...)

Wow. Damn. A lot has happened. I've started grad school. I've met a ton of interesting people. Including my roomate (who's like...the coolest...ever...) And my cohort. Which already has numerous inside jokes, most famous of which is probably the Looby. (Concerning a professor and his penchant for free form dancing.)

I don't really think it has all set in yet, this whole...vast amounts of work thing. I have lots of reading (like, lots of reading...) but...I'm like, getting paid for it. I AM GETTING PAID TO READ BOOKS. Bahaha!

I am, however, just getting the gist of the non-work related requirements of being a grad student. One must addict oneself to a reality TV show. One must realize that man cannot live on bread alone- the bread should, at the very least, be accompanied by a swig or two of department-purchased alcohol. And sometimes, you can talk about where you think critical theory is headed in the next century. Other times, you can talk about Ninja Turtles.

Man, this is great.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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I was blogg surfing and I found your blog. I think it is very interesting. Keep up the good work!!
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5:19 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

1.) Mozart's Requiem kicks ass, especially the Introit and the Dies Irae.

2.) Skim. I was reading circles around you at Cacao. Not that that's something I should really brag about. "Huzzah! I am a more efficient nerd than thee!"

3.) The first rule about the Looby is: You do not talk about the Looby.

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh there is no evolving from the Ninja Turtle. There is only insufficient though undeniably valuable emulation (see Bebop and Rocksteady). They are the paragons of Ooze-derived biological evolution, except, perhaps, for Splinter. But I'm not that you can count him, since so much of his kickassness comes from the ninja training he received from his human master. Though the turtles owe much to their training as well, they have the benefit of the half-shell (which houses their herodom), exceptionally lined and expandable stomachs (which enable maximum pizza consumption), and masterful engineering sensibilities (Donatello's got them, anyway). So while grad students may convergently evolve towards the Ninja Turtles, there can be no evolution from that cowabungal state. They are the telos, now and forevermore.

12:40 AM  
Blogger Kat said...

While I can't deny that Mr. Bohman has presented some rather valuable points on the subject of our favorite mutated Cholonia, especially with respect to the salient physical and mental features of said group (and, it should be noted, the concomittant radness of such features,) it remains to be said: Dude, Erik...calm down.

(Unless, of course, you'd care to ellaborate on the curious exponential growth of the team's coolness that was charted in 1991- that monumental year in which Vanilla Ice took up the turtle banner and recorded his rap anthem "Turtle Power," which, some might say, eclipsed even the original cartoon show's theme song in badassness. For preliminary reading on the subject, please see )

12:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Speaking of the TMNT, I've always been bothered by a discrepancy between the different origin stories presented in the original 1987 cartoon series and the 1990 movie. According to the cartoon, Splinter is the mutated rat version of Hamato Yoshi, Oroku Saki's (a.k.a. Shredder's) old nemesis in Osaka. Yet, according to the movie, Splinter is a mutated rat, and Hamato Yoshi was his master. It's always kind of bothered me.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

And why must we disturb that incongruity, rather than embracing it as a true mark of the complexity that defines the essence of TMNT? Are there not examples of "classic" or (dare I say it?) "timeless" works that carry contradiction? (reference earlier discussions...rantings...concerning Aristotle...)

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is THIS what you do at grad school? haha i think i need to get down to LA

11:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the coolest...ever"

Oh, Kat. You cut deep...

5:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is our duty to attempt to grasp the oft breezy caress within these words and build them into a foundation of knowledge as mighty as the great oak. In doing so we gain the ultimate power, the power of wisdom."
- Master Splinter

and umm...yes, I actually found this on the official TMNT website.

1:22 PM  

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