Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sister Banter.

Sister: so you remember my friend Adam?
Me: Is that the one you told I was a pirate whore?
Sister: Hooker. Smelly pirate hooker.
Me: Is there much of a difference, really?
Sister: :::under her breath::: You would know.
Me: Oh no, you didn't...
Sister: Well anyway, Adam was telling me that when you toast in other countries you look the other person in the eye because you're toasting them...not like we do here, where people look at the beer...
Me: Uh-huh...
Sister: So yeah, we were just sitting there for a while one time looking each other in the eye and saying things like "TO YOUR HEALTH!"
Me: Right. Have I heard this story before?
Sister: Hmm...yeah, maybe.
Me: :::distractedly:::...yeah, I was all like, bored and I couldn't tell why.
Sister: :::silence:::
Me: Hooker, indeed...


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