Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Why I'm So Awesome That I Can't Even Handle It.

One sub-theme to this post (or, you know, what would be left over if all of the general narcissism were to be ignored) is "I do quite enjoy food" (a statement that is, after all, indicative of a rather specific aspect of my narcissism.) Anyway! I was looking around online for yummy snacks to bring in to my classes on Friday (have decided on homemade granola squares-- because everyone needs healthy brain food for finals week- and chocolate chocolate chip cookies-- because chocolate is awesome) and I found a recipe for homemade tortillas! (!!!!) It was all like, "are you tired of papery, leathery store bought tortillas that disintegrate when you try to wrap them around yummy things like beans, rice, sour cream, salsa, vegetables, etc.?" (I'm paraphrasing.) And I was like, "yes!!" And then it was all like, "wouldn't you like to try a simple, yummy, homemade tortilla hot from the skillet?" And I was like, "boy, would I!! tell me how!"

turns out, it's not that hard! You just need flour, a little tiny tiny bit of baking powder, some hot water, and some salt. And you just kind of mix that all together. And then you make them into tortilla shapes. This has been the part that has deterred me from attempting tortillas in the past-- the shaping thing. I mean, okay...Alton Brown did a special on tortillas on Good Eats that I saw this one time in which he claimed that you needed something medieval-looking like this to make a respectable homemade tortilla. And, while, for the most part, I love Alton Brown and still regard everything else he says as unimpeachable culinary finitude, I am pleased to report that this particular claim of his is a COMPLETE AND UTTER, BALD-FACED LIE OF THE MOST EXAGGERATED PROPORTIONS. No tortilla press needed. You just clear off your counter, sprinkle a little flour on it, and roll out your dough until you get it as thin as you want it. It took me maybe 10 seconds per tortilla. And I don't even own a rolling pin. I used a pint glass.

So then I just put each tortilla in the skillet for a minute or two per side-- and omg. I'm not even kidding. SO much better than store-bought. I can't wait to try out different types of flour, and maybe some spinach in there. I you guys know what this means? This means portabello mushroom quesadillas with chives and fontina cheese on HOMEMADE TORTILLAS for dinner!! And HOMEMADE tortilla chips to eat with HOMEMADE guacomole for snacks and lunch! Oh my God!!!

It might take a second for this all to sink I'll leave you with that...but, yeah. I can't even handle it.


Blogger bjswift said...

yum! I can't wait to try them! :)

3:55 AM  

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