Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I guess I haven't written in a while. Not much funny going on here. Not even very much mildly amusing. Geez, I need something to piss me off to write. Brahms used to balk out of every good thing in his life if it made him too happy...said he lost his musical ability when he was too happy. (I like the second symphony as well as the next guy, but wow. By this line of reasoning...maybe there are so many no-talent hacks around today because of all the Prozac?) Hmmm...what to do with the apathy? Man, sometimes that's all that's left. I'm taking this jazz class, and I like how some of these jazzisms keep creeping into my speech. I used to throw the word "Dude" around...either as a universal signifier for anything human, male or female, or as a sort intensifying apositive in the manner of "Dude, Where's My Car?" (disclaimer: please excuse overt Ashton Kutcher quotation. I thought I'd never see the day that the man who started that irksome trucker hat phenomena would wrangle his way into my blog. ::sigh:::) But I return to the original (completely nonessential) point, "Man" has replcaed "Dude" in my vocabulary. And other terms have come along too. The professor teaching this class is this guy from New York...with all the accents and prejudices that that implies. (In this case: raging liberalism, would sell his soul if the Yankees needed it...that sort of thing.) His is not the usual speech of music professors, with their, "beguiling tonalities," and harmonic analyzation. It's more along the lines of: "Dizzy this shit is crazy. It's goood. I dunno why it's good. Don't care." I'm not sure how my paper for this class is going to turn out...if I write how the professor talks, I'll be writting something along the lines of how it's a godamned shame women don't get representation in early jazz discourse. All because the rich white guys at the top are the ones writin' the books. (Ain't that the truth though, ain't it the truth...) :::sigh::: I actually am sitting at a desk at work, however, with nothing to maybe I should at least make a good show of looking like a library employee. So I'm going to go back to apathetically (yet severely) reading my book while eyeing suspiciously everyone who walks by...tough job, but somebody's gotta do it.


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