Wednesday, May 26, 2004

So here's the deal...last Friday, at around 2:30 pm I put the period at the end of a sentence that simultaneously ended a five page in class essay and my junior year at the University of California, Berkeley. Gllloooooooorious feeling, right? Wrong. If I were to give a dramatic monologue of my thoughts since that very second, summed up, of course, and dramatic in the entire sense of the word (having to do with theatre...and perhaps overwrought...) here's what would I see it, it might be some sort of an know, adressing life as we know it:

Yooouuu think you're so SMART. Papers? All turned in. Finals? Over. Weeks of sleep deprivation, crappy food? Surmounted. :::hands assume a supplicating gesture::: But this. THIS is too much. To TAKE AWAY my hard-earned feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT after all that work! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MANY BOOKS I HAVE HAD TO READ?! Do you know what DOSTOEVSKY has done to me?!! :::gesture of supplication turns to one of strangling::: ENOUGH! It's not about that. Not about that at all. I'll tell you what it's about. It's about me WAKING UP AT 7AM THE MONDAY AFTER to go to work and to start summer class! :::fists raise to heaven::: It's about 9-5's about everyday LIFE! Damnitt!! I KNOW I'M WHINNING!!! But I don't care! :::fists really shaking now::: I don't NEED you. Jerkface...


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