Tuesday, July 03, 2007

So...my summer kind of started on Thursday, when I moved out of my apartment in LA and then drove for 8 1/2 hours to get to Tucson. (We left at 12:30 am Friday, and got in around 8:30. And then I slept. For a really long time.) And, so far, it's been awesome. Some highlights:

1. Hardcore Old Ladies.

I joined the Y over the weekend here in Tucson, thinking that it would be the best place to start my illustrious career as a swimmer. (And by best I mostly mean, you know, cheapest. And I was right-- the rates at the Y are great.) But! there are other perks. For instance: I think the mean age of a person who works out at the Y is like, 68. And then there are some families with little tiny kids that show up for swim lessons every now and then. I know what you're thinking, "Kat, why would you want to work out in a gym that looks like it could double as the set for a Metamucil commercial? Doesn't the workout like, not count if you are not surrounded by the thoroughly tanned, beautifully sculpted denizens of some college-aged community whose very statuesque perfection makes you want to work out until you can't feel your limbs, your lungs burn, and your abs fall off?" Because it's AWESOME, and it DOES count. I went to this spinning class this morning, thinking, "hmm...I've never tried spinning before, and maybe the instructor will take it easy on us if everyone's 80..." No way, man. After chit-chatting a little, the instructor (who's probably in her mid 50's) walks over to her bike and puts on this work out cd that she says is, "a little something new, but with some of the old favorites." And I'm thinking, "hmm. Maybe 50's music? Some swing? How's this going to work?" THE FIRST SONG IS L.L. COOL J'S "MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT." OH my God. I'm thinking, "Wow, how does this lady even know about this song? Is this going to go over well with the other people here? (Some middle aged women and one or two seniors...)" Senior lady number one exclaims, "Whoo! My favorite!" And proceeds to raise the roof during the chorus while singing along with L.L. and maintaining cycling speed. Old ladies are effing ballers.

2. Home-improved Haircut.
So. It's really hot here. Really. Hot. So I decided to get a haircut yesterday-- BJ drove me to the nearest supercuts, I told the stylist what I wanted, she murmured, "yeah, that'll be really cute," while sort of distractedly looking for her spritz bottle and pair of scissors, and then gave me a haircut that made me look as if I had several different haircuts competing for primacy on my head, none of which were winning. (Last time I let someone that looks like Paris Hilton cut my hair. God as my witness.) So! I got back to BJ's place, was giving it a look over in the mirror...and decided to ask BJ if he could cut it some more to get rid of a few things. He did SUCH a good job. The back looks awesome-- it's like a messy chopped look, with lots of body, and I've been putting a little gel in it to sort of sculpt it so that it flips up. The front is still not my favorite, because the original styler cut it too short (nothing to be done in that case) but holy crap! Make your boyfriends cut your hair. They are the experts at wanting you to look hot.

And now back to brushing up on my math skills... :::sigh::: darn you, Kaplan!


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