Monday, July 07, 2003

A little excitement in an otherwise dull day...

Okay, so how about a little on site reporting? I'm coming at ya live this afternoon from the lovely Bancroft Library, my place of employment. Recently I've started this new position at the regestration desk. We make sure to sufficiently terorize each person before they go in to ensure that they will have an adequate respect for the rare books materials that are housed here. It's a routine thing to ask patrons as they come in what sort of material they're looking for (that way we can harass them into looking in other libraries instead of bothering our ancient stuff if they don't really need to see it.) Enough background? Good.

I'm sitting here, and because I'm bored and its summer and I have nothing else to read I'm reading Crime and Punishment. (Which is, by the way both a Crime and a Punishment :::ba dum, ching!::: Thanks, I'll be here all night...) And this guy comes into the lobby where I'm sitting...
Guy: Hi, ummm...I think this is where I'm supposed to be. I need a bunch of books.
Me: Alright. Do you have any specific titles that you need to see?
Guy: Umm, yeah, let me get my list.
Me: (waiting patiently with my pattented polite may I help you face. Generally disguises the fact that my job is to mistrust everyone who walks into my span of vision at the regestration desk.)
Guy: Oh, here's one. Do you have "Live Sex Acts: Women performing erotic labor," by so-and-so.
Me: (Did he just say the S word in THIS library?) Let me look that up for you, sir.
Guy: And how about editions of Playboy from the '70's.
Me: Are you serious, sir?

And then I do believe my sufficiently cocked eyebrow gave him cause enough to leave.
And now I'm sitting here. And I know that the University owns a copy of "Live Sex Acts: Women performing erotic labor" by Wendy Chapkis.

And I'm thinking that it's way too early in the morning for this!


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